Reading your piece reminded me of just how fed up I am with people always demanding to know what's next. As if they all suddently forget that we're all works in progress, that we don't always have everything figured out in advance, and most importantly - that sometimes breaks make just as much sense as a well-defined 5-year plan. It's like we've all collectively lost sight of the value of slowing down and switching gears.

I know it must be hard dipping your toes into the unknown, but you're not starting from scratch, you're starting from experience. Lots of it, from what I could gather from reading your newsletters.

I wish you the best of luck with anything you choose to do going forward. I'm happy to follow along and learn from your journey - so thanks for opening this little window into your world. And have fun in Copenhagen! :)

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Please do write about those three months and about the feelings you are experiencing when the anxiety might kick in. Do you think you will keep a list of habits, to-dos on hand, such as “daily/weekly reflection?” In order to balance everything?

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I think you should meet me in Copenhagen :)

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Yay! You have a FB message.

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